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Guns, Ammo, Gunsmith, Hunting Licenses
Lawn Seed, Lime, Fertilizer, Pest Control
Plants, Bulk Seed, Soils, Weed Control & More
Farm Supplies

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Farm Gates, Fencing, Crop Protection
Food Plots
Food Plot Seed by the Bag or Pound

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Clothing & Boots
Carhartt Clothing, Work Boots, Accessories

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The most trusted farm store, garden center, gun shop, and workwear

supplier in Southside, Virginia.

Since 1980, Abbott Farm Suppliers - Farm, Garden & Gun, has been in the business of helping farmers, gardeners, hunters, and business owners get the highest quality products they need along with helpful guidance and money-saving advice. The products we sell are the products we use on our own farm and in our daily lives.

We wear Carhartt clothing, and Red Wing, Wolverine and Justin boots.  We do our own fencing, plow our own fields, and feed the cows, horses and dogs at night when we get home.  And, when we get a day off, we hunt, trap, target shoot, and love a round of sporting clays.  Browning, Winchester, Remington, Benelli, Kimber and Taurus; we use these brands in our sporting life. It's hard work, but we wouldn't trade our lifestyles with anyone. "Abbott's" is the hub of Halifax County as far as farm, field, livestock, crop, hunting, wildlife and just about any other information someone might need.  

If you are new to gardening or just bought your first horse, we can help you sort out what you need to know. 

Abbotts offers the highest quality products with knowledge and service you just can't find anywhere else. 

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445 South Main Street
Halifax, VA 24558

Operating Hours:
Mon - Friday 7:30am - 5:30pm
Sat 7:30am - 12:00pm


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